Prenatal DHA


The Prenatal DHA Test measures the amount of DHA in the blood. Studies show 5% is the level women should shoot for during pregnancy. The Prenatal DHA (P-DHA) level is the percent of DHA of all fatty acids in your red blood cell membranes. It reflects the omega-3 status of your body over the last […]



The Prenatal DHA Test measures the amount of DHA in the blood. Studies show 5% is the level women should shoot for during pregnancy.

The Prenatal DHA (P-DHA) level is the percent of DHA of all fatty acids in your red blood cell membranes. It reflects the omega-3 status of your body over the last few months, similar to how hemoglobin A1C reflects long-term glucose blood levels. As a part of an overall healthy lifestyle, a P-DHA of >5% helps provide your baby with a good amount of these important fats while helping to preserve your own DHA levels, as well as increasing the likelihood that your pregnancy goes to term. To achieve and maintain a desirable P-DHA level, we first recommend eating foods rich in DHA, which include fish like salmon and sardines and fortified foods like omega-3 milk and eggs. Eating a variety of fish, with a focus on high-DHA and low-mercury options (see attached list), at least twice per week during and after pregnancy is beneficial for mom and baby. Omega-3 dietary supplements, like fish oils, are an excellent DHA source. We recommend supplements with both the marine-derived omega-3s, DHA and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), but taking a supplement with at least 200 mg of DHA in a serving is the primary goal. You do not need to worry about mercury or other environmental contaminants in supplements.


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